Justin Fox - former editor of Getaway magazine  (Copy)

Justin Fox - former editor of Getaway magazine (Copy)

Justin Fox is a travel writer, novelist and photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa. He was the editor of Getaway travel magazine until 2020. Justin was a Rhodes Scholar and received a doctorate in English from Oxford University. His articles and photographs have appeared internationally in a number of publications and on a wide range of topics, while his short stories and poems have appeared in various anthologies.

We asked for his memory of his visit to Madagascar

"Visiting Madagascar left a powerful impression on me. My first trip was a Getaway assignment on a chartered catamaran operating out of Nosy Be in the northwest. As I stepped from the plane, warm, ylang-ylang and vanilla scented air filIed my nostrils creating an intoxicating impression. I joined the catamaran and spent a delightful week sailing, snorkelling, diving, exploring and island-hopping. The cruising rhythm remained more or less the same: daytime sailing punctuated by fishing and diving stops; then anchoring in the lee of some enchanted isle at sunset... I can't wait to return to Madagascar, this time to research a chapter for a World War II novel that concerns the invasion by British and South African forces in 1942. But I'll make sure I get back on a catamaran and out to the islands once more!"

Justin’s latest project is a series of novels based on the Royal Navy in the seas around Cape Town during the 2nd World War.

Daniel Austin - Author of The Bradt Guide to Madagascar

Daniel Austin - Author of The Bradt Guide to Madagascar

Fiona McIntosh is the former editor of Divestyle magazine, author of Dive Sites of South Africa & Mozambique and contributor to numerous international SCUBA diving titles.

Fiona McIntosh is the former editor of Divestyle magazine, author of Dive Sites of South Africa & Mozambique and contributor to numerous international SCUBA diving titles.