Craig Thomassen - Inside Angling TV series

Craig Thomassen - Inside Angling TV series


Craig, or Tommo, is one of the pioneers of catch and release recreational angling and his passion for the sport of artificial lure is unrivaled. Over the last three decades Craig has chased down nearly every major game fish in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans around Africa, with some record breaking results. His first book 'Fishing Yourself Single' typifies how important time on the water is to his life and his commitment to sport fishing. Always willing to share, he takes every opportunity to showcase the behemoths that lurk below and impart much of his knowledge and experience on how to land trophy fish.

MadagasCaT was fortunate enough to host Craig on Maki Cat for a series for the TV series Inside Angling.

Craig says: “I have been fortunate to visit Madagascar on a number of occasions. My main reason for visiting is because of the amazing fishing that is on offer around the island. I have always been impressed with the variety and quality of fish that we catch on these trips. An added bonus is the incredible scenery, interesting fauna and flora, superb diving and friendly, laid back locals. The people of Madagascar are welcoming and warm and always have a smile and a wave for foreigners. Madagascar is unique in so many ways that it cannot be compared to any other Indian Ocean destination.”

Craig wrote an article about his experience on Maki Cat

Maki Cat Adventure

Riaan Manser - Explorer and first man to circumnavigate Madagascar alone and unaided. (With a little bit of help from us!)

Riaan Manser - Explorer and first man to circumnavigate Madagascar alone and unaided. (With a little bit of help from us!)

Aaron Gekoski - internationally acclaimed environmental photojournalist.

Aaron Gekoski - internationally acclaimed environmental photojournalist.